Nautical Themed Garden Refurbishment
Garden redesign based around a sea shore motif
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Before; the garden is looking very tired and lacking any points of interest

Before; showing the top part of the garden with old pained shed

After; garden completely transformed by refurbishment, the old shed has been repurposed as a back drop to create an illusion of extra depth

New resin-bonded path joins into a stone paved area and creates interest

The two parts of the garden are bridged by some riser step connecting to a mock boardwalk

Close-up of mock boardwalk and modern water feature and boat planter

Shoreline effect with boat planter playfully positioned for sea-side vibe

Boardwalk twists down towards the lower garden and house
Our client had already purchased the large summer house and requested a strong nautical theme, based around a sea shore.
The unique design we created for our client extended the deck around the building leading to a wavy timber boardwalk, a timber break water with a strong and bold look.
Scree garden with pebbles and shingle, with planting throughout leads a transition to a more traditional garden border and new lawn.
The client also added her own boat for use as a planter, which was part buried for an authentic seaside vibe.
A modern natural stone sphere water feature adds soothing water sounds and movement to the garden.
House located in Burgh Heath, Banstead, Surrey